Tue 21 Jan
***** F O R * T H E * U L T I M A T E * E X P E R I E N C E * A N D * P L E A S U R E !!!!! ***** - 27
(Colorado Springs)
CoS*100 SPECIAL New *The Ultimate Ebony Fantasy* Available now -21 - 21
(Denver South, Colorado springs)
*Diamond* is leaving Denver Today!!! Sexy & Satisfying ~Playmate~ *Addictive* ~Specials~ - 21
(Denver, Aurora)
💖DD's Stand for "Duh Damn!" 💖 ✿ 💖 Fetish Friendly incall 208-907-1588 (140hr) - 28
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, incall I25 & Evans all week, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope)
❥*❥*❥ CHLOE! ❥*❥*❥ Pretty Blonde ❥*❥*❥ Cute Butt ❥*❥*❥ Perfect Body!!! ❥*❥*❥ Priceless - 21
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Denver and the Surrounding Cities, Ft Collins, Rockies)
BoMb Azz 🍃 Black Barbie 💦SuPeR ThicK+ SuPa JuIcY & SuPa FreaKy 🙈50 Incalls - 22
(citadel mall Area" in call only, Colorado Springs)
Bust it baby! Native American Beauty, Sweet&Sexy;, Exotic to Colorado springs - 24
(Colorado Springs)
❤❤BeMyBaByTonighT!!!!❤❤ ~~`NEW & ready for YOU`~~ - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs & surrounding areas)
✘ ✘ ✘👄💎🔥 ✨ 👉 ☎️ CALL NOW ☎️ 😉 Treat Yourself 🍭60🍒 Special👅💦 Yummy 😋 😍 😘💄SEXY👙 Juicγ 💦 Available Now📞 - 22
(Denver, incalls only)
Beautiful blue eyed, blonde hair, southern belle. Full figured bbw!!! - 18
(Colorado Springs, North Academy)
💋( ¤ )( ¤ ) 💕BBW ₩ 44DDDz💞 💯% real pix.👄OUTCALLS! ! - 36
(Arvada, Aurora, Denver, Denver OUTCALLS!, Lakewood, Littleton, Northglenn)
Big Busty Beautiful Brunette Barbi ♡5B's -In calls and Out calls possible - 28
(Colorado Springs, Upscale location off Lake)
BETTER THAN GIRLS NEXT DOOR _______ ❤ _____ BRUNETTE _____ & ___ BLONDE BEAUTY ___! - 25
(Colorado Springs, Colo Springs)
🌺BLONDE ViXEN💖Busty w/A Booty🌺Reviews - 100% REAL!!💖 - 24
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Surrounding areas)
!!!! Black and Puerto Rican Playmate!!! 100% Real Pictures!!! - 25
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs and Broadmore Area)
🆕 💛❤️AbSoLuTeLy🍒 AmAziNg❤️💛💦CoMe PLaY WiTh Me 💦❤️#1 MoSt WaNtEd💦🔥💦SwEeT 🍓🔥🍓SE❌ii PlAymate - 19
(Colorado Springs, InCaLLs OnLy, 🚫Outs)
💕BACK N TOWN😘 💕Slim/ Busty💦Slippery & Tight💦💕 K!NkY💕🔥West-Indian Vixen🔥💕 - 24
(Denver, Denver Tech (In/Out), Up all Night)
Beautiful & Curvy ☆ Ryleigh ☆ Reviewed ☆ COLORADO SPRINGS ☆ Incall Only ☆ Read Ad Before Calling! - 30
(Colorado Springs Incall Only, Pueblo)
60/80/100 special °x[× ❤ ×]×°LAST DAY SPECIAL AVAiLABLE NOW!! °x[× ❤ ×]×° reviewed - 22
(Colorado Springs)
**60** maria is back! juicy booty, ...... 44E's.. call me now! avail. 24/7 - 24
(Central C. Springs)
▂▃▄▅80/100 special*PERFECT 1O ★* _ = ALL~NATURAL _ (( LOVELY )) BOMBSHELL =* *100% REAL*▅▄▃▂ - 22
(Colorado Springs)
$$$> $$$ ^*^Available 24/7^*^ ***want it great, i'm even up late...*** - 26
(Colorado Springs, fountain/academy, colorado springs)
( • )( • ) *•-:|:-•* BBW 44DDDz *•-:|:-•* ~sPECiaLs~ 100% real pics - 34
(Colorado Springs, south Spgs incall/Outcall)
💋$80 💋 spεcιαΙ 💙 spιnnεr 💋αΙεrτ💙brυnεττε 💋 bσmbshεΙΙ 💙~{rεαdγ 2💋rσcκ 💙γσυr💋ωσrΙd!}~ 💙💋 - 27
(Colorado Springs, InCalls)
60,80,100 BoMb Azz 🍃 Black Barbie 💦SuPeR ThicK+ SuPa JuIcY & SuPa FreaKy 🙈50 Incalls - 22
(Colorado Springs, Not far from the Citadel mall)
* 5 * S * T * A * R * ! * B * e * A * u * T * y * !! NeW PiCts :) - 25
(Colorado Springs, Southern Springs & Surrounding Areas)
$50 $50 $50🆕‼️ Incall ‼️🆕 (CHoCoLaTE)💙♌(ThiCK GIRL)💙♌( FREAK )💙♌(EboNY BomBSHell)💙♌ ☎CALL ME - 24
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs InCalls)
$60$ SPeCiaLS AvaiL.^^^New girl in town^^^ eager and ready to please!! - 26
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs, garden of gods/i-25)
▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ 💋 Blonde 💋 ▊▊▊▊▊💋 Sexy YOUNG Seductress 💋 ▊▊▊▊▊ 💋 Gorgeous 💋 ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊LAST NIGHT IN TOWN - 24
(Colorado Springs, Pueblo/denver/castle Rock/all areas)
wanna 👅 You Like a LoLiPoP Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε⭐PU† M¥ SK¡LLS 2 TH€ †€S†⭐T¡Gh† Gr¡P WØn'† §LiP⭐ - 31
(Colorado Springs, Wherever you WANT me!)
80 dollar holiday specials!! !beautiful European beauty ready to show you a good time - 22
(Colorado Springs)
*^* 1 or 2 girls w/GREAT SPECIALS!!!!*^* INDEPENDANT, PROFESSIONAL, ex-strippers*^* BUSTY BBW's - 23
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods/N. Nevada colo.spring)
*5 * S * T * A * R * * *GODDESS* !! *24~7 QUalITY SerVICE* ! - 25
(Ft Collins, FT.COLLINS & Surrounding ArEaS)
$60$ *$$*SPECIALS AVAIL*$$* NaTuRaL *42E* BUST beauty *^*UNrushed, DiSCReeT & INDePenDANT - 24
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, garden of gods/nevada,)
♥❤️100% REaL♡😍AVALIBLE NOW 😘SeDuCtIvE ¤¤♥♡ SpOnTaNeOuSO¤¤♡♥ Model ¤¤♥♡YoUr WiLdEst DrEaM😘 - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, Off i70 INCALL OUTCALLS AVALIBLE NOW)
[[ *$100 SPECIALS $100 *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 20
(Colorado Springs, North Springs..)
✨100Spc✨ £xotic Flame🔥🔥🌹 Can You Handle It Baby?!🔥✨ - 21
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs 🏩INCALL ONLY)
100 * Military * Special * Seductive * Blonde *Playfull * * Ready * NOW * Leaving * Soon * - 37
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs upscale incall)
100% Real🍒🍒🍒Amazing Aleicia!🍒🍒🍒 Sexy, Tight Blonde Island girl! 🍒🍒🍒 Juicy Bubble Booty 🍒 - 21
(Colorado Springs, South Springs)
💯 Portugese/spanish 💯thick🔥tatted🔥 sexy🔥🌟🌟 available 24/7🌟🌟 - 30
(Colorado Springs, South Colorado Springs)
100% REAL PICS♥ •.¸.•´¯* P_e_R_f_E_c_T ♥• PeTiTe .•´¯* P_L_a_Y_ m_a_T_e ♥ •.¸.•´¯* - 20
(Colorado Springs)
Join The Winning Team @ Aphrodite Companions!! beautiful Compnions Needed In NY/FL/DC and Boston
(Tour or Work In Most Cities)
Sun 12 Jan
Dirty Diana. The Official Elite Choice..Foreign # 1 Choice! Back by Popular Demand!! - 29
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the gods area(in) Outs avail)
💋💋 💖💋🍦Delicious Eye Candy*👀 🌸 💋💖💋 Erotic PlayMate 💋💋 Sexy, Discreet ☎️ 💋💋 - 23 - 23
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Co)
Complete Pleasure Package💋Juicy&Sweet;💋Curvy 💋All the skills you need to relax and release - 30 - 30
(Colorado Springs)
C.U.T.E / F.L.E.X.I.B.L.E / D.I.S.C.R.E.E.T / W.A.R.M / P.L.A.Y.F.U.L Specials - 22
(Colorado Springs, Tinseltown in call only)
BIG BOOTY Tasty Tabitha is 50 n Thick and Very Erotic - 50
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/ or where you want me)
Sat 11 Jan
(NEW #) Model Sized Brunette Barbie! "100% Guaranteed" (REAL) UP all night. $pecial$ - 21
(Colorado Springs, in/OUT)