Sat 04 Jan
Start your weekend right * YoUr PLEASURE is mY PriOriTy!!!!! - 23
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)
Fri 03 Jan
NEW PICS✦ :-•* CurVey BeaUty * 2 hOt 2 pAss Up °•*¨¨*•-: ✦ $60 OUTCALL SPECIAL - 24
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)
▄▀❤▀▄ YoUr WiSh Is My DeSiRe $60 SPECIAL ▄▀❤▀▄ - 24
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)
°*¨¨*-: ✦ :-*YoUr WisH Is my DeSiRe $80 SPECIAL*-: ✦ :-*¨* - 23
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)
✦ LOOKS Good FEELS Even BETTER 100% Real pics & Ready $60 OUTCALL ✦ - 24
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)
♛ °&°¤* * I'm ExaCtLy WhAt YoU NeeD $75 ♛ °&°¤* * - 23
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo/ and surrounding areas)
NEW INCALL 24*7 LOOK••••• ►☆ • HoT•★• Russian BARbie __ Blonde * Green Eyed * Long Legs * JULIETTE
(Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, 24/7 - Downtown COS INCALL & OUT CALL)
Thu 02 Jan
*-:¦:-* §w A§ HAvn * * NaUgHY A§ HLL *-:¦:-* $75 SPECIAL - 23
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)
EagEr to PleAse your SatIsfaction is GuarAnteed $60 Outcall Special! - 24
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)
BloNdE * LoNg LeGs * CuRvEs * GrEeN EyEs * CoMPleTe PacKAge* OUTCALL $80 SPECIAL - 23
(Colorado Springs, COS/ Pueblo and surrounding areas)